The Best Cat Toy Ever

The Best Cat Toy Ever

Any time I walk into a pet store, I have a hard time avoiding the cat toy section.  Those toys just look like so much fun, and I want to bring them home for the kitties to play with.  I have learned my lesson though, after buying toys time and again and watching the cats turn up their noses in disdain.  No more will I waste money on store bought toys, when the best toy in the whole world is available for free and in ample supply.

Without fail, every single cat I have known in my life will prefer a paper bag to just about any other toy they were offered.  There is something magical about a paper bag.  Perhaps it is the satisfying noise it makes every time a tentative paw reaches out to swipe it, or the way another cat will shoot out of it like a greyhound at the track if someone pounces on it.

I don’t really know what it is about paper bags that makes them so special, but they are surely the most appreciated cat gift you can find.  When they are new, cats will spend hours going in and out, reaching out paws to snag unsuspecting passers-by, and pouncing with glee on their ignorant companions hiding inside.

A paper bag that has been reduced to shreds can still provide ample fun for cats, too.  Simply tear it up and make little paper balls for hours of fun chasing and destroying.

So next time your cat is bored, refrain from solving the problem with your bank card.  Instead, scrounge up a paper bag and watch the joyful celebration.