Hypoallergenic Cats

Hypoallergenic Cats

Cats make some of the best companions.  Solid, steady and low maintenance, they can be your best friend and really help melt daily stresses away.  For anyone with allergies, however, owning (or being owned by) a cat can be a real nightmare.  Fortunately, some cats produce far fewer allergens than others, and while no cat is truly hypoallergenic, these breeds will often be suitable for those with allergies.

Balinese is similar to a Siamese, but without the notorious noise.  They are mellow and produce less of the Fel D1 protein that causes allergic reactions.

Oriental Shorthair require lots of attention and can be very vocal if they do not get it.

Javanese do not need brushed as often as other cats, but do require plenty of time with their owners each day.

Devon Rex are extremely intelligent and can become easily bored.  They have short hair and require little brushing.

Cornish Rex are long, lanky cats who love activity and attention.  They shed less than others and have short hair, but can still cause a reaction in some.

Sphynx are a hairless breed, but can still cause reactions in some.  They require frequent grooming to remove the oils from their bodies, and are very susceptible to weather conditions.

Siberian cats have long hair and require daily brushing during the winter, but for some reason, people allergic to cats are often able to tolerate these agile, beautiful cats.

Before you commit to bringing home one of these breeds of cats, spend some time with one to be sure it will not trigger a reaction.  These cats can allow cat lovers to enjoy having cats again, even if they or someone in the family are allergic.