Living in a cat's world

Living in a cat's world

Any crazy cat lady will tell you that their feline friends have complete run of the house. Sure, I may pay the mortgage and buy the food, but when it comes to personal space, it all belongs to my kitties. They sleep where they please. They play with anything they desire. They even want my attention only when it suits them.

Over the years, I learned to let the cats dominate the house. After all, I am merely a human who is living in their territory.

This morning when I woke up, I noticed a painful crick in my neck. I felt fine before going to sleep, so what happened? That's when I realized I was sleeping in a strange, contorted position. Surely I didn't choose this on my own. I glanced around to find a cat above my head, one on my side and another between my legs. During the course of the night, they must have moved me to suit their sleeping styles.

After a quick bite to eat, I decided to check my e-mail before heading off to work. I found my youngest kitty peacefully resting on my laptop keyboard. I would never let another person sit on my computer, but I find this behavior from my cat to be cute. They must really enjoy the warmth the keys emit.

It doesn't matter the day of the week, my cats are sure to do whatever they please. If I go in the bathroom, I usually have to remove one from the tub or sink before turning on the faucet. They try to trip me when I walk in the front door after work. Before I sit down on the couch, I must check to make sure I'm not about ready to smother a kitty. A person would move out of the way if they saw a giant backside coming down on them. My cats? They just stay put, daring me with their claws to try and sit on them.

Even the dining room table has become their territory. Of course, I don't truly allow them to wander across my dining surface, but they like to test my temper by strolling on the table whenever I turn my head. If I chase them off, they just wait until I'm not looking to jump back up.

If these were human children, I would scold them and teach them not to do these things. Cats, however, tend to be quite stubborn. They have claws and fangs, something babies do not have - at least I hope not.

What do my cats provide me? They give me all the unyielding love that a person could ever want. I don't have to worry about having a bad hair day or feeling under the weather - they will always put a smile on my face. So what if my kitty wants to sit in my favorite chair?