10 Reasons to Keep a Cat

10 Reasons to Keep a Cat

Cat people and dog people have been arguing about who has better pets (and tastes) for years, and though I can appreciate both animals and have kept dozens of pets, I’d have to say that I definitely side with the cat people overall. Maybe it’s just because dogs are harder; I always had them as a child and my parents trained them, and the one dog I’ve tried to train as an adult was a bit of a disaster. We ended up having to re-home him, but we also simply didn’t have the room for a big breed like that, either.

Aside from their smaller size (when compared to some dog breeds), however, there are plenty of reasons to keep cats as companions, such as…

10. They Shed Less

I know that some cat species do shed, but I’ve had many different species and never had a problem. The worst I’ve ever had left clumps of hair, which were easy to pick up. The dogs I’ve had didn’t shed much either, to be honest, but friends with dogs have major shedding problems.

9. Cats Poo Better

You might laugh at this one, but I’d much rather change a litter box twice a week than stumble out into the yard to let the dog out every morning at 2 AM, or rush home to let her out, or clean up big messes all over the house if I miss one of these times. We never have to miss or end a playdate early because we have to go home and let the dog out, as many other families do.

8. Cats Protect!

Sure, dogs bark at strangers (sometimes too much) and might scare some people away, but cats keep me protected from things inside the house that I can’t see, like mice or spiders. Just tonight, I had a jumping spider escape when I tried to kill it—but that was no problem, since my youngest cat, River, took care of it for me.

7. Cats Tell You When Something is Wrong

The dogs I’ve had were pretty much happy all of the time, which really is nice; that kind of unconditional love is hard to find for sure. But my cats get tense when it’s appropriate and I can detect an oncoming storm from their behavior. I can also see from their expressions if someone is behind me (which a dog might ignore).

6. Cats Don’t Make Much Noise

Now, kitten owners know this isn’t completely true, as they love to run around, mew, and make mischief like any other youngster. But for the most part, you don’t have the barking or whining you get with a dog when you have cats.

5. Cats are Neater

Sure, they are cleaner from bathing ALL DAY LONG (could you imagine if we did that, and how much water we’d waste?), but they also just don’t make as many messes. Again, younger cats might, but if yours are neutered or spayed they’ll likely be mellower—and the older they are the less they tear up. Just be sure to provide a scratching post that works!

4. Cats are Prettier

Okay, this is an aesthetic reason to keep a cat, but to me it’s simply true. Most of the cats I’ve had are so elegant and lovely; when you come home and see them sitting in the window it just makes you feel more like you’re home.

3. Cats Don’t Stink

Sure, their litter boxes do, and on occasion you’ll meet a gassy feline, but on the whole cats don’t really smell like anything—at least, not in my experience. A dog, on the other hand, usually requires regular bathing to prevent him or her from stinking—especially if he or she is large.

2. They are So Easy to Care For

Other than regular feeding, litter changing, and yearly vet visits, cats pretty much take care of themselves. They don’t need you for much. A dog, on the other hand, requires daily maintenance—which is fine if you have the time to truly commit to it. I’ve seen too many dogs suffer from people taking them on who just don’t realize what a responsibility it is.

1. They Snuggle so Well

Dogs really snuggle well, too. But when a cat curls up against your back or in your lap and purrs, it’s really hard to think anything is wrong with the world. It’s cheesy but it’s true!

Which do you prefer: dogs or cats?