When the Human is away the Cat will Play

When the Human is away the Cat will Play

Cats are a great pet because they don’t mind being left alone, but it doesn’t mean they don’t need things to keep them entertained.

Cats have no problem being left at home while their human family is at work or school. As long as kitty has a clean litter box, a full bowl of water and maybe some food for snacking, then it will be good to go. But this doesn’t mean cats aren’t looking for some midday entertainment in between naps. In fact, some toys, games and more will keep you kitty more fit, healthier and all around happier. This means they will be less 

likely to trip you while begging for cuddles when you get home and want to go to the bathroom or eat some dinner. Here are some ideas of toys and entertainment your cat can enjoy while you are out of town:

Movies: It might sound silly, but your cat would probably go for some morning cartoons. There are cat specific DVDs which feature birds, bunnies and more in nature. Lots of cats love to watch the little animals dart around and sometimes start smacking the television to get in on the action. Be sure your television is secure, pop in the DVD and your cat is entertained for hours.

Cat Nip: Get your furry friend a catnip ball or cigar and they will literally be rolling in it for days. Cats go nuts for stuff and won’t even notice you are gone.

Toy Box: Fill a little box with tiny toys and your kitties predator instinct will kick in. Don’t be surprised if you come home to a tired cat and little toys all strewn out across the floor, clearly a win for the cat.

Don’t let your cat stew in boredom. There are plenty of products on the market to keep all cats happy.