Spaying and Neutering Cats

Spaying and Neutering Cats

Spaying and neutering isn’t a fun topic for kitties, but it is generally accepted as one of the best things a cat owner can do for the cat population.

Spaying and neutering your cat can be unpleasant at best, or appear down right cruel, at worse. However, most all animal professionals say it is one of the best things a person can do for their pet and the world of animals. Most cat ladies are animal lovers at heart and neutering and spaying is the most effective step towards controlling the cat population and putting an end to kittens with no home.

The process isn’t as bad as it sounds. You should only take your cat to a licensed veterinarian for such a procedure to ensure your pets safety. The first step is the vet will put your cat under general anesthesia which will minimize pain during surgery. The surgery is different for male and female cats but your veterinarian will be able to explain the process to you. Alternatively, if it seems a little gruesome, just enjoy ignorance as bliss and leave the process up to the professionals.

It usually only takes cats about two days to recover from the procedure. The cat will seem tired and cranky, but with lots of love they will be chasing strings in no time. After being spayed or neutered, cats are often reported to behave better. This is because sexual urges are gone so they aren’t spending time flirting and getting into fights. On the downside, this docile behavior may lead to weight gain, so it is important to keep your cat on a good and balanced diet.

Neutering is generally recommended when your cat is six months old. If you take in a cat who is a grown adult they are still perfectly fine for the operation as well. Spaying and neutering can cut back significantly on the amount of cats born into this world who end up strays or worse, euthanized. Kitties certainly want what is best for their species, so don’t feel bad signing them up to be spayed or neutered.